Hey there! Work Life Etcetera is a blog about just that: work, life, etc. ! My interests know no bounds and the internet is for creating, learning and the like. So, here it is. Your one stop shop for my female friends. As you could imagine, there will be posts for our college aged, our corporate gals, the Sephora addicted, the gym goers (casual or not), the bookworms, etc. But ! There will also be posts for our philosophers, our musers (unclear if that is an actual word), our sports enthusiasts and our food junkies. So stay awhile, poke around, and let me know if there is anything specific you would like me to write about !

I am an attorney by day and a creative by night. Jk, I am a lawyer at night too. I am no stranger to researching topics and distilling that information into a more digestible product. This, Work Life Etcetera, is my opportunity to research and write about topics that I am interested in and want to explore more.
Not to say that I am not deeply interested in my day to day work. I am. But- it is often very serious. WLE is intended to be a more easy-breezy space, where I can explore and create.
Thank you for stopping by !
— A